Rework Blog: Empowering Teams for Success in Work Management

Scrum essentials: Definition, tools, phases, and core values

Written by Minnie Ng | Sep 5, 2024 10:48:43 AM

As a part of the Agile methodology, the Scrum framework is frequently chosen by managers and businesses to enhance work efficiency. However, to fully understand and apply Scrum within an organization or project, managers must have a clear grasp of what Scrum is, its structure, and the process of implementing it successfully. Let’s dive in!

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a work management framework based on iterative and incremental processes, allowing project teams to focus on optimizing the value achieved within fixed time cycles, known as Sprints, to continuously improve the product, techniques, team, and working environment.

With Scrum, the product is developed through a series of iterative processes called Sprints, which typically last from 2 to 4 weeks. Work is broken down into smaller tasks for easier management and is completed by a cross-functional team.

The history of Scrum

The name "Scrum" is inspired by a formation in rugby. Specifically, during the game, the entire team gathers into a unified group, called a "scrum," to move the ball forward together. Similarly, in a business context, a project development team comes together with the common goal of completing a product or advancing the business toward a shared objective.

Scrum goes beyond the standard command-and-control management model, embracing an active leadership role. A Scrum team leader doesn't operate like a coach directing from the sidelines but rather as a team captain actively participating in the work alongside everyone else.

Agile vs. Scrum

Scrum is considered the most popular framework within the Agile methodology for business operations. As such, Scrum adheres to the principles of Agile. However, Agile and Scrum are not the same, as many might mistakenly believe.

While Agile is the overarching philosophy promoting iterative, flexible work processes, Scrum is a detailed framework that provides specific practices to implement Agile principles effectively. Understanding both helps teams choose the right approach for their projects, balancing flexibility with structure.

  Agile Scrum
Scope A broad philosophy that can be implemented through various frameworks and practices. A specific framework that operates under the Agile umbrella, with defined roles, events, and artifacts.
Focus Emphasizes adaptability and continuous improvement but can be less prescriptive. Provides a structured approach with specific roles and ceremonies to facilitate Agile principles.
Implementation method Can be implemented through different methods (Scrum, Kanban, etc.), depending on the project needs. A particular method with its own set of practices and terminology.

Which projects are suitable for Scrum? And which are not?

Originally designed for software development, the Scrum framework has since evolved and been flexibly adapted for use in a wide range of projects. But ideally, Scrum is suitable for projects characterized by complexity and uncertainty, where requirements are likely to evolve over time.

It excels in environments where the end goals are not fully clear at the start and where frequent adjustments are needed based on user feedback. Examples include software development and product innovation, where continuous refinement and responsiveness to change are crucial.

It also works well for projects that require rapid delivery and iterative improvements. Scrum supports projects needing incremental value through regular updates, making it suitable for dynamic fields like marketing campaigns or new product launches. The framework is effective in situations where feedback and ongoing adaptation are essential for success.

However, Scrum may not be suitable for projects with well-defined, unchanging requirements or those that involve large teams with limited flexibility. It can also be challenging for projects with strict regulatory constraints that do not align with Scrum’s iterative and flexible approach.

The 3 pillars of Scrum

A successful Scrum relies on three core pillars: transparency, inspection, and adaptation.


The execution process in Scrum must be transparent to all members involved in the work and the recipients of the outcomes. In other words, all information related to the project's process and product must be displayed clearly and openly. This is the first and most essential principle of Scrum, enabling managers to have a clear understanding of the project's status, work progress, and potential risks.


The second crucial principle of Scrum is inspection, which helps control risks and allows for timely adjustments to respond to continuous changes throughout the project's lifecycle. This principle is also what makes Scrum a widely used project management method.


The final principle of Scrum is adaptation, which ensures that the project remains aligned with the initial limits and standards set. Any deviations or changes from the plan are immediately adjusted and improved by the team, preventing time loss in correcting work that has strayed from the objectives. This principle allows Scrum to be applied in complex fields where even software cannot intervene or manage effectively.

The 5 core values of Scrum

“For the Scrum framework to operate effectively, all team members must strictly adhere to the 5 core values of Scrum.”


Focus is essential in any task, but it is especially critical in Scrum. Each Sprint provides a limited timeframe for individuals to achieve their goals, making concentration vital. Even a minor distraction can disrupt the process, requiring adjustments that may delay the entire project.


Scrum demands courage to face unexpected changes from the original plan—where immediate improvement is required. Team members must be bold enough to confront challenges head-on, as the Scrum process is fast-paced, relentless, and filled with demanding tasks.


Scrum places a high value on teamwork. To achieve this, all team members must trust one another, stay connected, and fulfill their roles effectively. True success in Scrum comes when each person is fully committed to the project.


In product development, feedback is crucial. Scrum team members should remain receptive to new perceptions, as not everything will go smoothly. This openness not only fosters individual learning but also contributes to enhancing the product or process.


Working in a team means respecting the abilities and contributions of each individual within the group. Never assume that your work is more valuable or important than that of others, as everyone plays a unique role in the Scrum process.

Roles of Scrum team members

A complete Srum team includes 3 specific roles:

  • Product owner: This person is responsible for maximizing the value of the deliverables and the project's profitability. They manage the product backlog to help the team achieve the product goal. They also act as the primary liaison between stakeholders and the development team. 
  • Scrum master: This individual is responsible for facilitating the implementation of Scrum, with a deep understanding of both its theory and practice. They ensure that all Scrum artifacts are progressing effectively, positively, and within the given timeframes.
  • Scrum development team: This is a cross-functional group of professionals who are responsible for delivering product increments at the end of each Sprint. This team is self-organizing, meaning they collectively decide how best to accomplish their work, without being directed by others outside the team.

Scrum artifacts

“All plans and tasks in Scrum are designed to be transparent and clear.”

Scrum artifact refers to an item that serves as a tool for addressing a problem. Some main artifacts in Scrum include:

Product backlog

The product backlog is an organized list of all requirements and tasks needed to enhance the product. This list can be refined and clarified by breaking items down into smaller, more detailed tasks.

Product goal

The product goal is the long-term objective for the project team. The team must either complete or abandon the current goal before selecting a new one, ensuring that only one product goal is active at any time.

Sprint goal

The sprint goal is a specific, short-term objective set for a particular Sprint. It provides a focused purpose for the team, guiding their work and aligning their efforts to achieve a desired outcome by the end of the sprint.

Sprint backlog

The sprint backlog consists of the selected items from the product backlog for the sprint, along with a feasible plan to create the increments. The sprint backlog must be clear, depicting a realistic and achievable picture of the work required to meet the sprint goal.

Product increment

A product increment is considered a stepping stone that helps the development team move closer to the product goal. Each increment builds upon previous ones, requiring seamless integration between all increments. During a sprint, multiple increments may be produced and will be showcased during the sprint review. Work is only deemed an increment when it meets the criteria specified in the "Definition of done."

The definition of done (DoD) is a clear and concise list of criteria that a product increment must meet to be considered complete. It ensures that increments are of high quality and meet the team's standards before being delivered.

Burndown chart

The burndown chart is typically used to estimate the remaining workload. In a burndown chart, the work is plotted on the vertical axis (y-axis), and time is plotted on the horizontal axis (x-axis). It is highly useful for daily work planning, predicting when all tasks will be completed, and ensuring that the team stays on schedule.

Pros and cons of Scrum

Like any operational model, the Scrum framework has both advantages and disadvantages that the team needs to identify and improve upon.

Advantages of Scrum
  • Adaptability and flexibility: Scrum is suitable for various work environments, particularly for projects without clearly defined requirements from the outset or those that require a flexible and frequently changing approach.
  • Transparency in task assignment: Team members have a clear understanding of their roles within the Scrum framework. They always know what they need to do and what their objectives are for the next sprint.
  • Creativity boost: When the team works together and contributes ideas, each person has the freedom to be creative and express their views without being restricted by existing processes or templates.
  • Quality control: One of the principles of Scrum is to focus on minimizing errors (e.g. through multiple tests), with tasks being updated and monitored daily. Every team member is fully responsible for their work, resulting in a final product that is comprehensive and satisfactory for the entire team.  
  • Low cost: Implementing Scrum can optimize costs for the team and the organization as it often requires less documentation and fewer resources for management.
Limitations of Scrum
  • Demands extensive knowledge and accountability: Scrum must be executed by a well-trained team with a strong sense of responsibility. Before implementation, it’s crucial to ensure that every team member fully comprehends the framework. The team must consist of dedicated and skilled individuals, as any member’s withdrawal or delay can jeopardize the entire project’s progress.
  • Challenging to scale: Due to Scrum's high demands on managers and team members, applying this model to large projects can be challenging, potentially reducing management efficiency. Scrum is generally ideal for teams of 3-9 people. Large organizations may find it difficult to reorganize personnel into smaller teams.
  • Difficult to integrate with traditional project management methods: Scrum is a new implementation framework, well-suited for projects requiring continuous adjustments—but because of this, it may not align well with projects that have clearly defined plans from the beginning or require predictability.
  • Difficult to get used to daily meetings: The requirement for daily meetings in Scrum can sometimes be frustrating for the team, as they may find it disruptive or redundant.

6 phases of Scrum implementation

Once your team has gained a solid understanding of Scrum concepts and roles, you can start implementing Scrum in your projects through the following six phases:

1. Product backlog creating

This stage lays the foundation for the project, making it extremely important. During this phase, the implementation team will gather to define the project’s vision, outline a clear roadmap with project goals, and assign roles to each team member.

The product owner is responsible for creating a product backlog - a prioritized list of project tasks and requirements. The most critical tasks will be addressed first by the scrum master and development team.

A typical product backlog includes user stories, bug fixes, technical debts, and knowledge gathering.

2. Sprint planning

Sprint planning is a plan developed by the implementing team, outlining the order of tasks to be completed during the sprint. An effective sprint planning session should address all issues related to the sprint’s goals, the work that needs to be completed, the appropriate amount of adjustments within the sprint, and how to accomplish the chosen tasks.

Features will be gradually refined and detailed throughout the sprints. After completing the sprint planning, the team can move on to the next phase: Execution.

3. Sprint executing

This is when the entire Scrum team starts working on the tasks detailed in the sprint backlog and strives to complete them within the time-boxed sprint.

4. Daily Scrum

The daily Scrum is usually a 15-minute stand-up meeting held every day to check the progress toward the sprint goal and to make changes to the sprint backlog if necessary.

The daily Scrum is typically a brief, 15-minute stand-up meeting held daily to review progress toward the sprint goal and adjust the sprint backlog if needed.

These meetings enhance team communication, ensuring all members are aligned in their efforts to achieve the goal. They also allow the team to identify and address any challenges encountered during the sprint quickly.

5. Sprint review

The sprint review is an event where the team assesses the results of the sprint, showcases their work to stakeholders, and reviews completed tasks while identifying areas for improvement and optimization. This is followed by a discussion on the overall progress toward the product goal.

Typically held at the end of a sprint, the sprint review can last up to four hours per month-long sprint. The exact duration depends on the length of the sprint.

6. Sprint retrospective

The sprint retrospective is the concluding event of a sprint, typically limited to three hours per month-long sprint. In this meeting, the Scrum team reflects on the sprint, discussing successes, challenges, and how those challenges were addressed.

The primary goal of the sprint retrospective is to identify the most impactful improvements for enhancing team efficiency in future sprints. Key questions for the team to consider include: What went well? What could be done better? How can we move forward?

Case study: Salesforce implements Scrum for organizational restructuring

Salesforce, widely recognized as a "CRM software expert," was founded by Marc Benioff in 1999. Emerging during the decline of the Internet bubble, when many dot-com startups faced bankruptcy, Salesforce achieved remarkable growth due to a timely restructuring using the Scrum framework.

In early 2006, Salesforce decided to adopt the Agile methodology within its Research and Development (R&D) department. This strategic move significantly contributed to Salesforce's transformation, fostering a unified mindset across management and staff while deepening individual understanding of Agile's role and its beneficial impact on the company.

Building on their initial success, Salesforce expanded the implementation of Scrum across its 200 R&D employees. This new workflow allowed Salesforce to manage work information and individual responsibilities with greater transparency. It also empowered employees to work more flexibly and make proactive decisions, fostering an environment that enhanced both creativity and productivity within the R&D team. As a result, many critical and strategic products were developed under this new process.

One of the most notable achievements is the Customer Success platform, launched in 2014. This platform integrated sales, marketing, customer service, and data analytics into a single cloud-based platform accessible from anywhere. During the 2018 Black Friday to Cyber Monday period, the platform processed 20 million e-commerce orders, driving substantial revenue for Salesforce.

Under the transformation of the R&D team, Salesforce is no longer just a fleeting "supernova" startup. It has evolved into a "giant" specializing in CRM software, leading the competitive SaaS market.

FAQs about Scrum

Can Scrum be used for non-software projects?

Yes, while Scrum was originally designed for software development, its principles and practices are adaptable and can be effectively applied to various types of projects.

How does Scrum handle changes during a sprint?

Scrum emphasizes flexibility and adaptability. While the Sprint Backlog is set at the beginning of the Sprint, the team can adjust the scope of work as needed based on new information or feedback, provided that any changes are agreed upon by the team and do not compromise the Sprint Goal.

Can Scrum be used in a large organization or for large projects?

Yes, Scrum can be scaled for large organizations or projects using frameworks like Scrum@Scale, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), or the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). These frameworks help coordinate multiple Scrum teams working on the same product or project.

Considering Scrum in your next project?

Over the past 30 years, Scrum has evolved into a widely adopted framework in business, valued for its capacity to address challenges at both micro and macro levels. It's particularly effective for managing complex tasks with uncertain outcomes from the outset.

Scrum can be a challenging framework to fully grasp and integrate, especially for teams accustomed to traditional management methods. The transition requires time, patience, and a willingness to adapt to new ways of thinking and working. 

However, the long-term benefits make the effort worthwhile. By embracing Scrum, teams can unlock new levels of productivity and innovation, ultimately driving sustained success.