Rework Blog: Empowering Teams for Success in Work Management

Going Paperless: Revolutionizing Corporate Operations

Written by Zoltan Vo | Feb 23, 2024 11:44:35 AM

Working with some time with the top 1000 companies in Vietnam, I found out that even most giant corporations are still paper-based, and having the chance to introduce and digitize their daily requests and operations has brought many positive changes. 

Paperless operations are essential to achieving growth. They help organizations boost efficiency, cut back waste, reduce processing time, and eventually cut costs. While twenty years ago, there were discussions regarding going paperless, many organizations still primarily use paper-based operations. 

Keep reading if you or your company is one of them; I hope some of the gathered facts help change your mind. According to studies, 70% of businesses would not last for a month if, one day, all their paper records disappeared or were damaged. It's so rare to hurt all the documents businesses store in boxes and drawers. You will be surprised that it's happening daily, where documents can be mixed up, spilled on, or become outdated. Only some people can remember where it's located, blurred over time or forgotten in someone's bag.

All the above examples are slowly taking productive hours from your team and employees.

We handle hundreds of projects annually; we found that not every business process can be digitized. But with the dedication of lean and high-quality work to be met, 80% of businesses can be digitized and go paperless for your business's efficient operations.

Fewer mistakes and higher work quality

They were working with business owners traveling down to their teams and employees. We found out that, on average, every request to be delivered on paper will need three attempts to have it printed out. Digitizing request forms and business operations will give everyone the latest version of the state and allow them to fill out crucial information quickly.

Better decision-making

That leads to better decision-making as the forms are well-regulated and escalated to their recipients automatically as they should be. Having critical information displayed separately in a field helps make decisions consistently faster.

Boosting efficiency and technological development

When your teams get used to digital request forms, things will start to be automated. They are no longer running employees with a paper case waiting for the directors' approval. Daily work begins to be seamless and efficient.

Cutting cost

Referencing a McKinsey (LINK) report, 20% of employees' time is wasted due to information gathering. This is a hidden cost that it's costing a business a fortune. Not to mention the number of forms, documents, excel sheets, certificates, SOP manuals, and diagrams … which is a considerable expense. Papers are worth nothing without the stationary, printing machines, ink, and other accessories to hold paper-based information. 

One of the businesses (18 years of age being one of the largest cement manufacturers in the market) that we have met has built three warehouses just for storing documents. Only to be found that 30% of their records are damaged due to many unexpected reasons. 


In conclusion, transitioning to a paperless operation isn't just about saving time and money—it's about managing the risks by embracing a more efficient and sustainable way of doing business. Going digital gives your team the tools to do their jobs better, make quicker decisions, and push your business ahead. Let's ditch the pen-and-paper routine and embrace a future where efficiency rules. With Rework on your side, you're not just keeping up with the trends but leading the pack. Come join us as we pave the way for a smoother, more successful business journey.